Monday, March 7, 2011

College For All

College is important to me because it helps me overcome my shyness and take responsibility for my self and become more independent. College will help with the job I really want and learned more about it. in the future I want to be Doctor to help people and learned every thing about the body. I can learn how to get along with other people. I will get to learn knew things I haven’t yet learned. Beside everything thing that had happen in my school and community I have taken responsibility for my self to go to college. I can choose classes I really need help on and don't know much about. Also I want to learned about the human body and everything is side on so that I know how to be a Doctor.  
My community has a lot of people who don't care about how it looks. Many people litter and cost the community money to contact people to clean it up, giving schools less funds to have good teachers to help use with our learning. There’s a lot of dangerous thing that happen in my community that makes our community hire more policemen and cut budget funds for our community schools in order to pay for those policemen. Many teacher got fired and don't have a job because of the budget cut and we have a less chance to get a good education and know everything a need to go to high school. This issue cost allot of people to lose their job and a less chance to let allot of kids get a good learning and go to college. Me and other students talk to the teacher’s so that there was something that we can do to stop the school budget cuts. We protested  about 5 blocks from school and back to get people attention so that they can help stop the budget cut from happening.
Another issue that my community has is that allot of people in the streets like to do drugs. Making our community an unsafe place for people and kids to live and walk around the streets to go to school, but besides all of that if I want to learned more and anywhere I can get the information I need to be a successful person, and now what am going to to be in the future and how my future is going to help me,my community and my family. My family has a problem with money because my dad is the only one in my family that is working and taking care of my mom,sister and me.
A going to be the first person in my family to go to college and know what I want to be in the future. Me going to college is really going to help my family and the crisis that we are having. I can help with all the bill my dad pay and help my community by help out with everything I learned in college. My family really cares about me and they want me to be the best successful student and help people in need of it. They believe on me and that makes me go forward and try my best to be able to go to college.  

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